BOYS- Divisions Capped at 8-10 teams (exceptions allowed – contact SOF Today-- admin@stellaolsonfoundation.org)
14s OLG / SOC, NGS Hornets J West, Jr. Vikes, Omaha Westgate
13s Westside Jr, OLG / SOC, Hosey’s Heroes, CB Wildcats*, NGS Hornets Nelson, NGS Hornets Hess, Omaha Sandlot Sluggers (Hallman), Omaha Tigers Gray 13s, Jr. Vikes,
***13’s Winner Qualifies to KC, MO for MLB RBI Central Plains Regional
12s Ralston Jr Rams, OLG / SOC, Los Santos, NGS Hornets Ballard, Jr. Vikes, Westgate
Co Bluffs Wildcats,
11s OLG / SOC, Hosey's Heroes, Jr. Vikes
10s OLG / SOC, Los Santos, Westgate
9s OLG / SOC, Jr. Vikes
8s OLG / SOC, Los Santos, St Joan of Arc, St Bernadette, Holy Cross, St Peter and Paul
Coach Pitch** Division (in discussion): OLG / SOC, Los Santos, St Joan of Arc, St Bernadette, Holy Cross, St Peter and Paul.
We are in discussion with several discussions with organizations such as: The Omaha Archdiocese, CB Sports, Carter Lake Sports, etc. to fill out some programming.
*Finalizing **Finalizing parameters
GIRLS / SOFTBALL- Divisions Capped at 8-10 teams (exceptions allowed – contact SOF Today)
8s- Los Santos, (open to any Parochial, CYO, Public or group requesting)
13s- Los Santos, (open to any Parochial, CYO, Public or group requesting)
Blair, NE HS and Program(s)
Concordia HS / Program(s)
Auburn, NE HS and Program(s)
Fort Calhoun, NE HS and Program(s)
Mount Michael School and Program(s)
Buena Vista HS and Program(s)
New Zealand 19U (JJ Rutherford – p
Lincoln Christian HS and Program(s)
Nebraska City HS and Program(s)
Ashland HS and Program(s)
Benson HS and Program(s)* -- 2025 “Reserve” Only
Millard Sox Gold Program(s)
Millard Sox Black Program(s)
Springfield HS and Program(s)
Omaha Gross Catholic HS and Program(s)
a) TBD
b) TBD
c) TBD
d) TBD